Welcome to Writing Our Future -- by FeelBetter Newsletter x Feeling Everything
We’re so happy you’re here.
For the next 21 days, we’ll be sending you introspective writing prompts that will help you explore the deeper parts of yourself.
After some heavy months, we (Ricky & Sierra) decided it was time to put our heads together and create something new. In a world full of noise, finding inspiration can feel like finding water in a barren desert. That’s the kind of heat that sparked our fire and led us to create, Writing Our Future.
Sometimes our old patterns and conditioning place a barrier between us and reaching our full potential. It’s when we are unclear that stress and pressure start to build up. Choosing to spend time writing will help you zoom out from your current life circumstance and see things without the added fear or judgment.
Our prompts will take you on a journey to your own voice. One without all the noise of your family and friends or Instagram and the news. Just you. When you have found that clarity, you will be able to make aligned decisions, your stress will decrease, and your heart will open.
It’s best to find 15-30 minutes of uninterrupted quiet time to answer the prompts. We recommend keeping a 'home' for your responses. If you enjoy pen and paper, dedicate a portion of your journal to these 21 days. If you’re more of a digital human, open up a new note and start typing.
Exploring the prompts will likely spark energy in your body and your mind, so be sure to check in with yourself after your writing sessions. Your body may require some movement or your mind may need an additional 10 minutes in a meditative state. Whatever the case is, be sure to listen to yourself and do what feels nourishing.
You deserve this time. You deserve this space. You deserve to return to you.
Talk (write) to you soon,
Ricky & Sierra
Writing Our Future live experience starts August 1, 2021 and will last 21 days. Start at Day 1.